You Shop Online & We'll Pickup & Deliver to your door step!

Store Pickup & Delivery - Serving Long Island, New York City.
When you need a same-day store pickup and delivery service, you can expect the best and most reliable results from us. We make sure you get the best results when you need any kind of item to be picked up at a store or when you need any quick errands to be run.

We can do store pickups at most Long Island and New York City retail stores, and we ensure premium quality deliveries and service for the most affordable rates. Our delivery areas cover all Long Island and New York City areas including Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island, Nassau and Western Suffolk Counties, New York.

You do the shopping, and we'll do the store pickup and delivery for you. We invest our time in this process so you can avoid wasting yours. This is one of the reasons we are the ultimate New York City messenger service provider, and our customer service is impeccable. Call us for a quick quote at 516-209-2768. Please note store pickup rates starting at just $95 plus tolls and NYC parking fee (if apply).

Search related to: Do you need a Reliable NYC-based Personal Courier Assistant with Running an Errand, Making a Delivery throughout the areas of: Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan? Call Road Flex Errands Service at 516-209-2768. Our store pickup errands, app that runs errands for you, running errands services, personal errand runner, run errands, run errands for you, errand service websites, run errands for elderly, run your errands for busy individuals. Keep in mind that some situations require fast and reliable services such as planning a last-minute event and you need a new outfit. Now, you still have to drive to the store to pick up your order. When you are running errands especially in New York City; this can be stressful and very challenging.

Disclaimer: This content is provided with the purpose of convenient information, but it’s not a suitable substitute professional advice on the subject. It is not meant to be a reliable source for any decisions or actions. This includes eligibility of a service and any kind of financial decision required.


Call us Anytime 516-209-2768!


828 Hempstead Tpke.
Franklin Square, NY 11010

P: 516-209-2768
F: 516-350-9561
M-F 7:30AM -10:30PM EST
Sat-Sun. 7:30AM-9:30PM

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  • Pickup Clothing Stores NYC
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  • Buy Online Pickup In Store
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  • Express Pick Up In Store
  • Instore Pickup & Delivery
  • Stores With Free Shipping
  •  Order Online Pickup In Store
  • Pickup Same Day services
  • Quick NYC Store Pickup
  • Shop Online Door Delivery
  • Buy Online Pickup In Store Same Day
  • You Buy Online We Deliver to You
  • Couriers that Ship to You
  • Buy Gift Card Online Pickup In Store

Copyright © 2024 Road Flex Courier, LLC. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.

Mailing Address: 260 Elmont Rd. # 30702, Elmont, NY 11003